Gradlyn as a sponsor for the WUSV
GRADLYN Petshipping

Once more Gradlyn Kennels Air team has excelled in its rôle as a sponsor repeating its earlier years’ proven sponsorship excellence by again providing uniforms for the six German trainers at the World Championships of the World Union of German Shepard Dogs held this year, in Seville, Spain...

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Animal transport from Frankfurt and now also from Munich
GRADLYN Petshipping

Effective immediately, April 2012, G.K Airfreight Services GmbH, the leading pet and animal air transport shipping service will now also have a Munich Airport administrative and operations presence at Munich’s Franz Josef Strauss Airport...

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Sea worms fly to Norway
GRADLYN Petshipping

Of course, when thinking about sea worms, you do not think of them as sensitive creatures, but that is precisely what they are. The GK Air team had to overcome quite some obstacles before the three little boxes each with 110 worms arrived from Bonn to set off on to Bergen/Norway...

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Bear family flies to Czech Republic
GRADLYN Petshipping

This time, two brown bears, a male and female couple, weighing 700 and 600 kilograms respectively, needed to be transported from Rostov in Russia to Brno, Czech Republic. These two hefty creatures are under environmental act protection and are part of an international exchange program for species preservation of wild animals...

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Canaries fly to Pakistan
GRADLYN Petshipping

The shipment of these twenty canaries that had started out from Germany to arrive in Peshawar in Pakistan, was not all too easy an undertaking since a transport box had to be specifically built for each one of them...

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Otter transported to Japan
GRADLYN Petshipping

This time a male otter from Munich’s Hellabrunn Zoo was brought from the Bavarian capital to the Fukushima Museum of Science in Japan...

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Mine-detection dogs for Addis Ababa
GRADLYN Petshipping

Malinois is a short-coated version of the Belgian Shepherd dog, an ideal working dog. Coming from Sarajevo in Bosnia, these twelve dogs had to be transported to Frankfurt in an air-conditioned special vehicle with a sturdy air-suspension: a total of 1500 kilometers to Frankfurt Airport...

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Orangutan lady on her way to Israel
GRADLYN Petshipping

Grisella is not an artist with special demands, but an orang-utan lady moving from the zoo in Heidelberg to Tel Aviv in Israel. After the death of her long-term companion, she did not feel comfortable in Heidelberg anymore – pain of separation...

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