World Championship WUSV 2017
4.-10.8.2017 in Tilburg, Netherlands
Kay Wissenbach visited the German team in Tilburg and, among many others, met Hartmut Setecki, General Manager of the World Union of the Associations of German Shepherds (WUSV). They discussed the recent bankruptcy of the Air Berlin airline which primarily transported animals via excess baggage. A report giving further information is soon to be published in SV Zeitung.
A new training device takes the market by storm.
Jogi Zank "Teamsport Jogi" and Michael Schweickert "Schweikert Hundesportartikel" jointly developed this great training aid which Gradlyn are happy to promote.
We spent a lot of time looking for the most meaningful and effective way to present our Gradlyn logo, says Kay Wissenbach.
These portable blinds, which can be used as a shelter or hiding place, are a brilliant idea!
Guests of honour:
Kay Wissenbach welcomed Werner Kebernik and Wallace Payne from the "South Metro Atlanta Schutzhund Club" in Tilburg.
Congratulations to the German team who are once again Individual and Team World Champions at the WUSV World Championships 2017.
We congratulate all the successful participants at WUSV 2017 in Tilburg
Reiner Naschke with Debby vom Eisernen Kreuz
Marek Cerny with Extreme Orex Aykmar
Michael Diehl with Gazze von der kleinen Birke
Pekka Kuitunen with Bacteroides Furioso
Tamarer Romer with O Shrek von der Friesenklippe
David Buss with Henrik vom Wolfsheim
Gaby Locher with Ira vom Schloss Forstegg
Rikke Marstrand with Jen Agers Ready
Djolien knopp with Pebbles von Scalindjo
Mia Kielbaey with Kato von Haus Targa

picture: Werner Kebernik