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Dog transport for a good cause

Even for dogs, a life on the road is not really a worthwhile dog's life.

The life of an Afghan road dog is certainly not one of the most comfortable lives. His is determined by the search for food and hiding from the hot desert sun or the freezing cold Afghan winter. But the non-profit English organization has made it its business to offer these animals worldwide; to spare at least some of these dogs the inevitable lives they face. And so now the plight of Afghanistan is working successfully together with the GK Airfreight team.

The organization has even adopted many of GK Airfreight´s dog kennels. Show RomanizationThe IATA standardized flight boxes, all in fulfilment with the requirements of the international umbrella organization of airlines, are specially designed for the secure and reliable air transport for pets and differ substantially from the discounted ones.

The charity organization Nowzad Dogs in Corsham England has been successful in placing such animals in recent years. All employees of the organization are volunteers and go unpaid. Yet the successful placement of dogs needs Show romanizationa functioning global network.

Thanks to Facebook, for example, contact with GK Airfreight was made. Now during the mediation process, we can depend on an experienced and reliable animal carrier, which has partners in many different countries. One of the dogs from Afghanistan has just been flown from Kabul to Washington. The new owners from Virginia could take their new pet home immediately after transport from the airport. For a dog accustomed to privations, a completely new phase of life is now beginning, all of which would not have been possible without the voluntary work provided and a good social network in place.

More information about the charity organization on the Web: