Corporate Move

Working abroad: When employees move, their pets travel too.

International relocations mean stress for humans and animals: So it’s good to have expert help.

Globalization demands ever-increasing flexibility from companies and their workforce. For example, employees of multinational companies or diplomatic service personnel can expect to be deployed almost anywhere in the world. Planning regular relocations, and organisational tasks such as searching for a new home, cancelling various contracts at home and making fresh arrangements abroad, can make this a stressful exercise.

Every pet owner always asks the same question: What will happen to my beloved four-legged friend?

This is where our GRADLYN Pet shipping service comes into play, because we will transport your pet safely and take care of any planning required.

When you travel with animals, you can be faced with a diverse set of requirements:

  • All vaccinations must be up to date.
  • You must apply for entry into foreign countries beyond Europe.
  • The transfer from the airport to your new home must be organised.

It’s a great help to have experts such as our experienced travel guides on hand to take care of all these matters.

Gradlyn is a partner of EUROVAN, the international network of independent moving specialists. Therefore you receive access to yet another worldwide network of famous move experts and can optimise your individual transport logistics perfectly.

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Gradlyn Pet shipping – you can safely leave your pet’s travel arrangements in our hands.